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fitSpot Guru

Jan 20, 2023

What We Cover In This Episode: 

  • Why Nicole says that there is a dire need for business education in the industry [2:36]

  • Some of the reasons that so many studio owners believe it is their marketing efforts that are lacking, and not their sales process [10:33]

  • How recurring revenue is the single most beneficial tool in small business growth, and the parts of the sales process that will help you keep your clients [15:51]

  • Nicole talks about why a front desk staff is a critical piece to any fitness business, plus a look at a process she uses called “Role Alignment” [27:34]

  • The easiest sale in the world that happens to be a tremendous missed opportunity for so many yoga studio owners [30:59]


“I wanted to go into studio ownership differently than I had seen my previous bosses do because I wanted it to be my career; I didn't want it to be a little blip in my life.” [Nicole, 5:07]

“Being an entrepreneur in any sort of way requires a certain level of belief in yourself, a certain amount of risk tolerance. I think that’s something that we all need to possess, because you’ve got to have a thick skin and you’ve got to take the successes and the failures.” [Nicole, 7:23]

“Trying to get more butts on mats or more bodies through the door, is in a lot of ways like lighting your money on fire. Most people think that they just need more volume. Sometimes that is true, [but] most of the time what they actually need is to keep the clients they have.” [Nicole, 13:38]

“Sales are about relationships. People need to know, like and trust the people they're doing business within order to say ‘yes’ with their dollars.” [Nicole, 21:01]



Nicole’s Website & Instagram

Her Free Mini-Trainings

The Profitable Studio Community Facebook Group

Profit First & Fix This Next by Michael Michalowicz

fitDEGREE’s Business Portal
