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fitSpot Guru

Feb 22, 2023

What We Cover In This Episode:

  • A look at the concept of generating share links and where it can be done inside fitDEGREE [6:32]

  • Why share links are so powerful, especially for new clients [7:37]

  • Best practices when using share links, including why you’ll want to uniquely title ever one you use [9:49]

  • What to look out for, and what not to do, when generating share links in fitDEGREE [12:56] 


“Share links are really powerful for new clients, to get them in the door. [You] click this link, purchase the intro offer, go to the website widget and register for your first class.” [Nick, 7:37] 

“So you want to make sure [you] uniquely title every share link, because you can create multiple [links] on your website. You can add one for landing pages, you can have one that’s a Facebook ad for the month of April versus an Instagram ad for the month of May, and then also, business partnerships.” [Nick, 10:54] 

“It’s really cool that you can track the success or the traction you’re getting from each of your business partnerships by creating these share links.” [Nick, 11:34] 



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