Feb 27, 2023
What We Cover In This Episode:
The value of community events and how doing them can help you build your business [2:11]
Common community events and finding the right ones that fit your business [2:41]
What the true value is in hosting events and participating in events in the community [3:26]
Tips for finding the right businesses for your studio to align with [4:23]
How to start planning your community events and organizing who will be manage them [6:03]
What the role of a studio ambassador looks like and how this person can help you grow your business [9:04]
Why community events must be part
of your growth strategy [10:19]
“Community events should really be a part of every gym and studios growth strategy. They're often free or very low cost and they are going to help with visibility in your community. They’re going to really build a positive reputation when people see you out in the community, and overall, there’s going to be high levels of lead generation if you are doing them effectively. ” [Cherise, 2:22]
“Think about the events that you’ve attended or participated in, like run walks or even community charity events. You are going to have a lengthy list by the time you get through this.” [Cherise [4:57]
“Challenge yourself to do one event per month. This can feel a little nerve-wracking, if you're like “I have so many things on my plate as a business owner, but get organized and set some goals, and I promise this is doable.” [Cherise, 6:13]
“I have gotten very creative in the past with studios
and actually have found studio ambassadors. So this is a diehard
advocate, somebody who absolutely loves your studio, and is very
active in the community outside of the studio.” [Cherise, 9:04]
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