Mar 30, 2023
What We Cover In This Episode:
What things Pixality does best and why they exclusively use Squarespace [1:48]
Connie’s opinions on Canva getting into web design [4:07]
When it is time for most small business to update their websites [6:48]
A few common reasons you may want to review or redesign your website right now [8:27]
Whether she thinks there is a “line in the sand” on when to determine if you should do a refresh or a rebuild of your website [10:22]
The top reasons why you should rebuild your website [12:58]
Why Connie recommends building your website with Squarespace [18:31]
What to expect when getting
started to work with Connie and the Pixality team [19:57]
“We do see that most small businesses at about the 3 to 5-year point [need to redesign their website]. Technology just gets outdated and your business changes enough that it is time to start fresh and redefine what you want to be known for on the Internet.” [Connie, 6:48]
“If you can’t edit your own website, if you can't go in right now, there is an emergency, your studio heaven forbid floods and you have to put that on your website, if you or your team internally can't do that, you need to be on a platform you can do that on and Squarespace is on of them.” [Connie,18:39]
“If you don't have that branding, if you don't have those words flushed out, if you don't have those photos, you are going to have a hard time building the website. So, we can do all of that prior to actually starting the project.” [Connie, 21:20]
Pixality’s Website & fitDEGREE-Integrated Web Design Services
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Blog Post, How Often Do You Need to Redesign Your Fitness Website
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