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fitSpot Guru

May 16, 2023

What We Cover In This Episode: 

  • The importance of “staying in your lane” as a software provider [1:35]

  • What to be aware of when it comes to security metrics and PCI compliances [8:12]

  • The key factor to always consider when making a transition in software companies [8:36]

  • Some common challenges studios are facing when it comes to decision making around software [10:19]

  • Tips for ensuring a smooth transition process when transferring data from existing software to a new platform [15:27]

  • Best practices in training your instructors and staff members on how to utilize a new software [23:38]

  • ·Benefits that studios can expect once transferred and how to maximize these benefits once the change takes place [26:29]



“I always say you don't want an all-in-one software, you want one software to do one thing very well because there's going to be no such thing in this industry of an all-in-one software.” [Nick, 5:18]

“The reality is that most softwares has a similar user experience or I will just say level of useability, on both the client side and the admin side.” [Nick, 10:59]

“There should be a healthy amount of nerves when making a software transition. Just because fitDEGREE seems great because it's going to be solving your clients' experience and we have some really good community features that you're so excited to roll out to your clients, doesn't mean that you should not have a healthy amount of nerves making the transition; all of those benefits of fitDEGREE come after the transition.” [Nick [20:47]

