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fitSpot Guru

Jun 20, 2023

What We Cover In This Episode:

  • Why it’s important to realize that September often marks the return to “back to normal” for clients after the summer season [3:23]

  • How to prepare for your clients to come back and restart with the need and desire to get back into a routine [4:04]

  • Tips for leveraging what makes sense to you and your studio and to set up a consistency goal for your community [9:15]

  • The reasons why promoting early, many weeks before September begins, is key [10:13]

  • The ways in which the summer months are a great time to organize staff for upgraded certifications [12:47]

  • Why you’ll want to be watching your studio’s demographic and to be mindful not to “box people out” [14:02]

  • What your next steps should be to start preparing and scheduling for the holiday season that will follow [16:15]

  • Our thoughts on building on and leveraging your partnerships now for the holiday season [17:34]



“Now is the time, so September, October, and the couple of weeks leading up to Thanksgiving is the time to get my butt back in gear, back in shape and it is when you can push people.” [Nick, 8:21]

“Get them prepared, get them excited, and hit the ground running when September comes. The ideas start in June, preparation starts in July, the announcements start in August and then boom, we are there.” [Nick,12:28]

“Just remember,  no matter what time of year, it’s important to be prepared, to communicate with your clients, and to always know what your next step is.” [Megan, 19:47]


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