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fitSpot Guru

Jun 29, 2023

What We Cover In This Episode: 

  • An introduction to the tag management screen inside of fitDEGREE [1:24]

  • How we’re taking tags to the next level by using conditional tags [5:57]

  • A look at the transitional phase of updating your tag when the new feature is released [7:51]

  • Mass tagging 101 [10:17]

  • The way that multi-tag select is making things easy and taking away compromises [12:27]

  • How fitDEGREE is growing alongside you by using your feedback and then taking action [14:47]


“We have the tag management screen, which is going to be that one stop shop to review all of those tags and have the ability to edit, delete and create new ones as well.” [Megan, 5:47]

“If you want to start someone into a drip campaign that attended an event, now you can just mass tag those [people] so that updates in LoopSpark of the CRM platform of your choice, and they now have a tag associated with attending that event.” [Nick, 11:11]

“[Tag management] is buying you back some of that time and effort, so you can re-allocate it to other things that are more impactful to your business. If I create a tag I want to do it one-and-done, and if I want to create a discount, I want to do it one-and-done. Well, we’re getting back to that for you all.” [Megan, 14:01]  



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