Aug 24, 2023
What We Cover In This Episode:
How to begin defining your customer journey by establishing your mission and vision [2:40]
What you can do to start mapping out the touch points that move your clients through the journey [4:29]
The key phases of the client journey funnel [12:08]
Putting it all together with “must
have” campaigns [14:14]
“The first step of figuring out your customer journey and identifying the right way to look at it, [is] you really want to make sure that your vision and mission as a studio business is clear, because that is really going to dictate who those customers are.” [Catalina, 3:02]
“A customer journey is a tool that helps us, in the marketing world, understand the series of touch points and the series of connected experiences that your ideal customers need and want.” [3:45]
“I find with studios the customer journey is actually a circle. So sure you need to nurture people, but it is that circularity, that repetition of them coming back, and coming back at the cadence that you want them to be coming back, is what’s important.” [Catalina, 9:58]
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