Aug 31, 2023
What We Cover In This Episode:
The new update that includes a tag system, the why behind it and how you can leverage it in your boutique fitness business [2:12]
A look at the new tag management screen and the color code system that will make it easy for you to manage [9:50]
An additional overlooked advantage that this new tag system brings [13:04]
Examples of how the mass tagging feature can be used to boost sales in the studio, and what Dan finds so interesting about this new system [18:31]
What to do to start preparing for this new update and the impact it will have on client profiles [22:53]
“A conditional tag is a tag that is attached to a pricing option. So during the life of a pricing option, the tag will exist on that client that has that pricing option, until it is either used up or expires.” [Dan, 2:47]
“With the new system, when you create or edit a tag, you choose a color from a liste of pre-defined colors.” [Dan, 10:41]
“What’s so interesting about this new feature is that I think we’re going to learn from the studio owners on how to utilize this feature fully, because it kind of gives you the ability to be creative with it.” [Dan, 19:03]
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