Apr 11, 2024
What We Cover In This Episode:
Lisa’s journey to become a lawyer and also a fitness instruction, plus the way she combines these two passions [1:34]
What the role of certifications will be in terms of legal protection for the studio [8:42]
The important aspects of disclaimers and waivers that you need to be aware of [10:14]
Some of the reasons why insurance is so important and how it compliments the waivers that are being used [16:24]
How being the right business entity will help protect you from potential liability [20:53]
Lisa’s final thoughts on
disclaimers, waivers and protecting you and your business
“Sometimes it depends on the type of fitness instruction that you’re doing, but you want to make sure that your event waiver or your liability waiver is covering multiple approaches.” [Lisa, 10:22]
“Legal documents are not meant to be short and sweet, because first of all, they could be lacking key points, and second of all, anything that you saw in law has to be spelled out.” [Lisa, 16:23]
“Something could still go wrong. If something goes
wrong, then you want to have insurance on the back end, just like
you do for your house, your car, your health and other things in
your life.” [Lisa, 19:23]
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