Oct 20, 2021
What We Cover In This Episode:
“Some people like to use business cards, some people like to use paper, and other people get creative in other ways using that generate code button.” [4:36]
“You really want to stress to your clients that if they are doing a digital gift card, this is an immediate delivery system.” [6:09]
“When we are talking about a digital gift card, it is convenient and [clients] can do it at any time and from anywhere, but it sends immediately.” [9:57]
“When gifting from inside a class, an event, or from a series, you’re not just sending them a random gift, but you’re asking them if they want to come with you.” [15:41]
“Take a step back and really look at your business model if you don’t want to allow people to send those gifts via the app for the Holiday Season, or ever. That is a setting when you go on your admin.” [19:11]
Links & Resources Mentioned: