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fitSpot Guru

Jul 6, 2022

What We Cover In This Episode: 

  • ​​What our sales process looks like at fitDEGREE, and why others should consider adopting a similar model [1:21]

  • How to use the sales process to qualify potential clients [2:58]

  • The way we use our standard demo process when trying to qualify potential clients [6:49]

  • What is the top selling point that brings clients to fitDEGREE [8:56]

  • The biggest deterrent or roadblock stopping people from coming to fitDEGREE at this time [11:03]

  • What factors of the fitDEGREE's sale process are universal and can be applied to all businesses [13:18]

  • How mentorship and/or specialized coaches can be used for specific areas in your business [15:31]

  • Extra resources to help you with business and sales development [18:32]


“When you get someone that is not right for your business and you are trying to force a round object into a square hole, you’re going to feel it. Your team is going to feel it, and it’s going to be heavy.” [Nick, 6:25]

“I basically tell people if you don’t value an intuitive client interface, insightful reporting, and personal interactions, if those aren’t important to you, you’re probably not going to be a good fit here.” [Nick, 10:06]

“Every time a member churns that is an opportunity to learn why they churned, if they are just too busy, it is a sale opportunity to figure out why they are not prioritizing their own fitness, health, your business, and their life.” [Nick,12:06]

“People really forget about [the] next steps. If I don’t plan or schedule a follow-up with someone, they can be super interested in fitDEGREE, but as soon as they get off that call, they have a million and one things back in their life again.” [Nick, 13:54]


fitDEGREE’s Business Portal

On The Go App (Google Play) & (Apple App Store)

Kiosk & Admin Logins 

Triangle Selling: Sales Fundamentals to Fuel Growth by Hilmon Sorey
