Nov 23, 2022
What We Cover In This
“They don’t leave your sales pipeline until they say no. If they’re ignoring and ghosting you, they’re still in the sales pipeline because they have not told me no. That’s not me hoping they’re going to tell me [no], you have to find an organic natural method to get someone to tell you whether they are interested or not.” [Nick, 4:14]
“The intro offer is part of your buyer’s journey, and it is a significant piece because showing interest through Instagram and showing interest through a free event, [there’s] not much skin in the game, but the intro offer is now skin in the game.” [Nick, 6:14
“Before you just buy Loop Spark
or any kind of automated communication, are you ready for it? Are
you ready to put in the time? Because you think you’re doing
something good for your business by putting some automation in, and
then you kill your business faster by not keeping up with what you
put out there.” [Nick, 12:39]
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