Mar 28, 2024
What We Cover In This Episode:
The number one benefit from a marketing perspective that a studio will gain when signing up with LenzVU [1:16]
How you can enable your automation from Day One with LenzVU [2:48]
What Afi says is the biggest standout feature for the platform [7:38]
The ways in which LenzVU’s AI-driven marketing tools cater to the specific needs of studio owners [11:44]
A closer look at how LenzVU works in tandem with fitDEGREE [14:28]
The important role that personalized communication plays in moving clients from awareness to purchase [16:32]
How to use the platform to increase conversions through tools that identify all engagement interactions [19:44]
Some of the common challenges that fitness studios are facing in converting their leads to customers [22:14]
A final note on personalizing your
AI-automated interactions using LenzVU [24:53]
“The benefit of having LenzVu integrated into a great platform like fitDEGREE allows for the studios to have a complete end-to-end understanding of the clients.” [Afi, 15:05]
“Having an understanding of what brought them into the studio in the first place and continuing to actually ensure that they are still meeting those objectives is crucial.” [23:30]
“There is a lot of capability and flexibility that we provide within our platform to allow for the studios to thrive.” [29:09]
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